Eye-Catching Billboards in Seattle
Billboards, also called Bulletins, 是最大和最具影响力的标准尺寸的户外媒体格式. Positioned along heavily trafficked interstates and expressways, as well as major surface street intersections, bulletins provide high-density consumer exposure in Seattle to vehicular traffic, and often to pedestrians. Billboard Advertising afford heightened visibility due not only to their size, 还因为它们允许通过扩展和修饰进行创造性的“定制”. 线上博彩平台排名户外的公告板广告服务为各种企业和行业提供了高影响力,通过有效的信息,在短期或长期内针对日常通勤者. Due to the massive scale that billboards command, they capture and hold viewer attention as well as create and support brand awareness.
Interested in seeing what our campaigns can do for your brand? 请致电(206)536-3600西雅图办事处或在线线上博彩平台排名,了解我们如何使贵公司的活动今天开始!